Happy Chinese New Year

04/02/2016 Fun Stuff

2016 may be the year of the monkey, but the road will always be a zoo. Check out your Chinese zodiac sign characteristics and driving style below: The Rat – creative, resourceful and imaginative, unfortunately, they can also be hyperactive. The Rat likes to get where they are going fast, so fasten your seatbelt! And, […]

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Melbourne in January – Tennis Anyone?

22/01/2016 Fun Stuff Location Guides Victoria

Summer in Melbourne is tennis. Beautiful summer evenings, the best tennis players on the planet, fanatical fans, plenty to see and do and have I mentioned the tennis? For two weeks in January, Melbourne has it all. Come and be a part of this sporting festival as the household names of tennis battle it out on court. It […]

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Surviving the Spring Racing Carnival

22/10/2015 Fun Stuff Location Guides Useful Articles Victoria

Ever get to this time of year and think what do I need to do to look like I know what I am talking about when it comes to the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival? There is such a corporate expectation on business people to know what’s going on and how to facilitate employee and client […]

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Dad’s guide to surviving the school holiday road trip

15/09/2015 Fun Stuff Travel Tips Useful Articles

Bracing yourself for a road trip these school hols? Never fear, surviving the drive is easier than you think. A little bit of forward planning can help you deal with the familiar cries of “Are we there yet?” without losing your cool. Remember to print out this checklist before you go. Just for Dad – […]

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This Father’s Day, the jokes on your kids.

04/09/2015 Fun Stuff

Hitting the road for a Father’s Day trip is an Aussie tradition. There’s nothing better than cruising down the highway with the top 100 classic rock countdown blasting and the windows down. The only problem? The kids whining in the backseat. Sure, you could bring activities for them or buy some electronic device to keep […]

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4 Unexplained Ghost Cars

30/10/2014 Fun Stuff

There are some things that you just have to see to believe. Take Ghosts for example. If you don’t believe in ghosts, you may just after you see these videos of what many are referring to as ‘Ghost Cars.’

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6 of the Spookiest Roads in Australia

30/10/2014 Fun Stuff Road Trips

Everyone loves a good ghost story — particularly when it’s true. From ancient times, humanity has enjoyed few activities more than the sheer inhumanity of scaring the living daylights out of each other, so it’s no shocker to find entire tourist industries built on doing just that. Come with us as we drive down the […]

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3 Useful maps for touring Australia

22/10/2014 Fun Stuff Road Trips Travel Tips

So, you’re taking a road trip? You’ve got your bags packed, a route planned and the petrol tank filled up …. Before you go, take a look at this list of maps. These will be handy to take with you, and – what’s more – they don’t take up any space in the car.

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9 Famous Australian foods and where to find them

30/09/2014 Australian Capital Territory Fun Stuff Location Guides New South Wales South Queensland Victoria Western Australia

Australia as a gourmet food destination? You bet. Australia has given the world some magnificent dishes – from the meat pie to the lamington and many taste sensations in between. We have combined 9 iconic Aussie foods with that other great Australian innovation, the true blue road trip. The result? A tour for the taste […]

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Car Rental Myths – BUSTED!

21/09/2014 Fun Stuff Useful Articles

There are a many rumors on the web about all kinds or car rental myths. Some are true, and some are just plain false. Redspot Car Rentals prides itself of being up front and transparent with its business practices to its customers and has focused on a few car rental myths below to try and bring some […]

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